Disclosure Productions is a studio that specializes in the process of pre through post production for music videos and short films. Disclosure productions takes personal contract work as well for a full production or parts there in.

Disclosure Code of Ethics
This code of ethics for all actors, production, directors, and writers for and involved with Disclosure Productions. This code is meant to promote a well rounded workspace that is fun and nurturing to everyone on an ethical level. With these core ethical values, we can come together and work in a fun and effective professional environment.
Respect for the equipment and for each other. We take care of what we use so we can continue to use it for time to come, and use it effectively. We also deeply respect the time that each and every client and team member puts into the things we do, we all work hard so we need to work hard together.
Doing all of our actions with intent and purpose. Giving one hundred percent to all of the things we work on so that all of our projects can carry out the extent of their desired task. Reaching their target market and delivering the complete message to the utmost extent.
Being upfront about your abilities and how you feel allows for people to occupy roles that best suit themselves and the whole team. Being honest with our clients and our team members keeps us all able to react to something at the same time and the ability to keep moving as a fluid and congruent team.
We are a welcoming community, everyone here is from different walks of life. This is why it's important we are kind to each other so that everyone can grow in and flourish in an environment full of inclusion. The best relationships are nourished with kindness, respect, and mutual understanding.
If we use what we got and think outside of the box, creating good content comes with ease. But if we all think outside the box and come together, the possibilities are endless. Having a wide outlook on situations and what may come out of them allows for a more fun and less monotonous workplace and makes every project unique.